Adolf Ingvald Tesli 1876 - 1877

Pedigree Chart - Adolf Ingvald Tesli ( source )

Links for Adolf Tesli

Adolf Tesli History

Adolf Ingvald Tesli was the third child born to Oluf Iversen Teslie and Anna Larsen. He was born 28 June 1876. Anna and Oluf were living at Øvre Møllenberg in Trondheim. The Christening was several months later on 26 November 1876 at the Bakklandet parish in Trondheim.

Christening record for Adolf Ingvald Tesli ( source )

In the image below, which is from the "comments" section of Adolf's christening record it says:

    Both's 3rd Child. See baptism girl N. (number) 57/1874.
Record number 57 in 1874 for this parish is Margrethe Teslie's (Adolf's sister) christening record. It goes on to say that the father was confirmed in Hlade (Lade) and the mother was confirmed in Ringebu, which correlates.

"Comments" Section of Christening record for Adolf Ingvald Tesli ( source )

Adolf died April 1, 1877 and was buried April 10, 1877. He was 8 months old. There is no cause of death given and his residence was Øvre Møllenberg in Trondheim.

Burial record for Adolf Ingvald Tesli ( source )