Margrethe Knudsdatter (Teslie, Halvorsplass) 1808 - 1875

Pedigree Chart - Margrethe Knudsdatter

Links for Margrethe Knudsdatter

Margrethe Knudsdatter History

Margrethe was born the 20 April 1808 to Knud Halvorsen and Karen Halvorsdatter. She was christened the 15 May 1808 at Kvikne Parish in Hedmark County.

Margrethe Knudsdatter Christening ( source )

Margrethe married Iver Jacobsen Teslie 2 May 1839. Iver was age 36 and Margrethe was age 32 when they were married ( source ). They had three children.

She is listed along with her husband and two younger children in the 1865 census ( source ).

Margrethe died 5 February 1875 at 66 years of age from some kind of pulmonary disease. At her death her family position was as a wife but also a pauper that is to say poor.

Margrethe Knudsdatter Death & Burial Record ( source )